I felt compelled to start a blog for a few reasons. One is my state in life. I swore by my right foot (George) that I would do my best not to work after God blessed me with my first child. He saw fit that ten months after the Marriage Rite was the Baptismal Rite. At the time, it seemed so ideal. I quit my insanely demanding job and started my new life solely as Wife-Mother. I am the happiest I could ever be, with one thing wanting...
I attended a Liberal Arts University. There I was taught to know truth. I grew accustomed to seeking it, encountering it, and integrating it in my day to day life -- truth, with Christ at the core. The thrill of discovery and of falling deeper and deeper into the mysteries of God, man, and music have been key points of my existence for many years. They have kept me in touch with my Creator and thus with the meaning of my life. They have helped me understand the world around me and even some of the people too. So, as a full-time wife and mother, I have to write. Baby is almost 6 months old and I do believe my brain will turn to a rather inconsistent mush without excercise. This blog is my exercise in thought as well as my communication with the rest of the table.
And this leads to my second reason for the blog. I miss the collage meals -- not the food. We used to sit down 6-16 to a table and discuss
Finally, I must give credit to my dear mother. I've been feeling this way for some time. She told me today, "Write!" And, well, here I am. I do hope I do not bore.
~ Musing Mi