Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Genesis

I do not see myself as the type of person who would start a blog.  I don't publish my life on the internet and I'm not about to spam people's lives with details about my own. My audience can call me on this if that ever occurs.

I felt compelled to start a blog for a few reasons. One is my state in life.  I swore by my right foot (George) that I would do my best not to work after God blessed me with my first child.  He saw fit that ten months after the Marriage Rite was the Baptismal Rite.  At the time, it seemed so ideal.  I quit my insanely demanding job and started my new life solely as Wife-Mother. I am the happiest I could ever be, with one thing wanting... 

I attended a Liberal Arts University. There I was taught to know truth. I grew accustomed to seeking it, encountering it, and integrating it in my day to day life -- truth, with Christ at the core.  The thrill of discovery and of falling deeper and deeper into the mysteries of God, man, and music have been key points of my existence for many years. They have kept me in touch with my Creator and thus with the meaning of my life.  They have helped me understand the world around me and even some of the people too. So, as a full-time wife and mother, I have to write.  Baby is almost 6 months old and I do believe my brain will turn to a rather inconsistent mush without excercise. This blog is my exercise in thought as well as my communication with the rest of the table.

And this leads to my second reason for the blog. I miss the collage meals -- not the food. We used to sit down 6-16 to a table and discuss anything everything. The arguments and revelations that resulted were awe-inspiring (in some cases), but always entertaining in the very least. I hope to bring questions (and answers) to the table and to spark the Ave table discussions once again. If no one else joins in, I'm sure my husband will.

Finally, I must give credit to my dear mother. I've been feeling this way for some time. She told me today, "Write!" And, well, here I am. I do hope I do not bore.

~ Musing Mi


  1. Music is the language of the heart and music allows the soul to pray twice. But most people don't appreciate good music especially sacred music.
    In our 2009 winter intensive chant with Scott Turkington, we were told that when the Gregorian Chant ceased from being sung in Church, then the ugly sound came on the wave.

  2. You are blessed to be able to stay home. I understand your missing the community. I miss going to school, I have always loved it, and loved learning. Your child is so blessed and privileged to have you 24 hours a day!!!! I've started working night shifts, since she sleeps all night now, I've been getting to spend a lot more time with her, even if it asleep on the couch. ;)
    But as much as I miss learning, I know it is not the time. Our babies need their mommies! I admire you're wanting to write, to keep your mind alive and expanding. I should really be reading some biology on the side....but I haven't started yet.
    Hope you're well!!!! Can't wait to see you in December!

  3. Yay Michelle, I'm glad you are writing. :)

  4. Beautiful blog, Michelle! What can be better than to muse on truth and things eternal? And yes, music is a great way to express the beauty of God and his creation.

    Speaking of music, I agree that a lot of modern church music is 'ugly,' but not all. I do love the old hymns and Gregorian chant in church, but there is some good 'Praise and Worship' music that can touch me to the core and make me cry, longing for Heaven. I believe God touches people in many different ways and 'picks them up' where they are at in life, be it through music, Art, nature, or other means that is perfectly adapted to each individual to make his love known.

  5. :) Will be looking forward to it!!
